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Vengeance at Dachau

Page 32 of 120

Continued from page 31

Testimony of: Pfc. John P. Lee (Contd)

222 Q When you got down to the yard shown in the picture how many SS troopers or prisoners were there?

A I couldn't tell you that. Maybe an estimate of fifty, something like what shows in the picture. I was still seeing blue from all those bodies.

223 Q The bodies you refer to were the ones along the railroad tracks that had come from the boxcars?

A Yes, sir.

224 Q What other members of your platoon were in the yard when you got there?

A I didn't see any of my platoon there, sir. I went over to the hospital and my platoon took off towards the main gate and I walked there to see what platoon was there.

225 Q How many men from your company were in the yard when you got there?

A Maybe there was ten, sir, or maybe more, I couldn't say.

226 Q Were they members of the company headquarters?

A One or two, sir.

227 Q Which ones?

A I believe the executive officer was there and the commanding officer was there, and I didn't notice any others.

228 Q Where were the prisoners when you came to this yard?

A Lined up at the wall, sir.

229 Q Were they standing?

A Yes, sir.

230 Q Did they have their hands up?

A No, sir.

231 Q Were they doing anything?

A Just standing there, sir.

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