9-17-21 to be updated INcoming mail photocopied- also possibly waiting for update from commissioner about whetether or not cards, etc will be allowed now with photocopier attatchment 5 needs updating visiting room procedures needs updating. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- visit and personal funds changed video game console p34 take out canteen list clarify job post 1. Bureau of Industries Sign Shop Plate Shop Print Shop Furniture Shop Program Office Clerk Department Workers Apprenticeship(s) availablee er job supervisor request(s) 2. Bureau of Services Laundry Kitchen Maintenance 3. The Division of Community Corrections Recreation Worker Education/CTEC Worker Health Services Worker Canteen Worker Clerical Staff Library Aide Canteen Worker Visit Room Worker changed ctec certificate info removed the following. (At the time of this printing, only ONE CTEC certification can count towards earned time.) removed change the earned time credit stuff fix the college - its images not text small college...indd possibly update the shift A/B and movements accrordingly edit the library and chapel schedules accordingly fix concord focus references The Focus Unit is the umbrella in which the New Hampshire State Prison for Men-Concord conducts treatment for chemical dependency issues in a holistic manner. This methodology bears the title of ”Focus Unit” in that the Intense Clinical treatment is conducted within a Wellness Community environment that addresses these chemical dependency issues. In addition to the residential component, the Focus Unit also oversees the transition into essential follow-up treatment modalities. to berlin photo chits in ivisiting room