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Description automatically generated4 | Intake and Classification



Residents are admitted to the prison through the R&D unit in Concord.  The time you spend here is used to gather information that helps administration understand who you are and what your needs are. At the completion of your R&D stay you will be transferred to one of the Department of Correction’s two facilities. 

What is R&D?

R&D stands for “Reception and Diagnostics.”   This is a temporary housing unit where you will be processed into the prison system.

What is the purpose of R&D?

While you are in R&D, you will be assessed by classification staff to assign your custody level. You will also be given a complete physical, a mental health  evaluation, a dental screening and an educational evaluation.

I have heard the term “In Processing.”  What does that mean?

During your first 14 to 28 days you will be in a “In Processing.” This just means that you are not medically cleared but you can still have lawyer visits that may only be arranged by the attorney.

When can I make my first phone call?

Tablets are made available each day. You can make phone calls from the tablets. Tablets are available to residents on loan. Typically you will be able to access a phone within 24 hours. Times for tablet use are posted in your unit, or you can check with your unit team.

Go to page 6 to learn how to set up your phone account


Classifications is a department of the prison that will determine your security level and eventually determined where you will be housed after R&D. Most residents are classified to medium security, commonly known as C-3. Classifications will eventually assign you to a new housing unit. You don’t have a say about where you go.

The Housing Units

After R&D you will  be sent to a housing unit in either the Berlin or Concord prison.

Berlin (also known as the North Country Facility)



Medium Custody South (MCS)

Medium Custody North (MCN)

Close Custody Unit (CCU)

Special Housing Unit (SHU)

Residential Treatment Unit (RTU)

Secure Psychiatric Unit (SPU)

What if I don’t like the unit I’m in?

You can send an Inmate Request Slip to Classifications requesting to be moved to another unit, however, Classifications is under no obligation to move you.

Improving Your Chances

Staying “off the radar” by avoiding disciplinary reports can improve your chances of getting requests, like moving to another unit, approved.