1  <!DOCTYPE html>
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  5    <title>Using JavaScript String Functions</title>
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  7    cssdweb.edu/StudentResources/CodeSamples/UsingJavaScriptStringFunctions_1.html
  8    Copyright (c) 2022 by Jesse Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely
  9      copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.
 10    updated by JMH on May 18, 2022 at 5:58 PM
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 26    <h3>JavaScript String Functions Demonstration</h3>
 28    <pre>(1) var str="New Hampshire Dept. of Corrections Special School District" ;</pre>
 29    <p>Original string:&nbsp;<strong>
 30    <script>
 31      var str="New Hampshire Dept. of Corrections Special School District" ;
 32      document.writeln( str ) ;
 33    </script>
 34    </strong></p>
 36    <pre>(2) var length1 = str.length ;</pre>
 37    <p>The original string contains <strong>
 38    <script>
 39      var length1 = str.length ;
 40      document.writeln( length1 ) ;
 41    </script>
 42    </strong> characters.</p>
 43    <blockquote><em>Note that the string length (character count) includes spaces.&nbsp;
 44      Also note that <code>length</code> is a <strong>property</strong>, not a
 45      function.&nbsp; This is why <code>length</code> is not followed by
 46      parentheses.</em></blockquote>
 48    <pre>(3) var space1 = str.indexOf( " " ) ;</pre>
 49    <p>The first space is at character position:&nbsp;<strong>
 50    <script>
 51      var space1 = str.indexOf( " " ) ;
 52      document.writeln( space1 ) ;
 53    </script>
 54    </strong></p>
 55    <blockquote><em>Note that the character position is 0-based!</em></blockquote>
 57    <pre>(4) var word1 = str.substr( 0, space1 ) ;</pre>
 58    <p>The first word is:&nbsp;<strong>
 59    <script>
 60      var word1 = str.substr( 0, space1 ) ;
 61      document.writeln( word1 ) ;
 62    </script>
 63    </strong></p>
 64    <blockquote><em>The</em> <code>substr</code> <em>parameters are the starting position
 65      and the number of characters.</em></blockquote>
 67    <pre>(5) var space2 = str.indexOf( " ", space1+1 ) ;</pre>
 68    <p>The second space is at character position:&nbsp;<strong>
 69    <script>
 70      var space2 = str.indexOf( " ", space1+1 ) ;
 71      document.writeln( space2 ) ;
 72    </script>
 73    </strong></p>
 74    <blockquote><em>The second parameter tells JavaScript where to start the character
 75      search.</em></blockquote>
 77    <pre>(6) var word2 = str.substr( space1+1, space2-space1 ) ;</pre>
 78    <p>The second word &mdash; extracted using the <code>substr</code> function
 79      &mdash; is:&nbsp;<strong>
 80    <script>
 81      var word2 = str.substr( space1+1, space2-space1 ) ;
 82      document.writeln( word2 ) ;
 83    </script>
 84    </strong></p>
 85    <blockquote><em>Remember that the second parameter to the</em> <code>substr</code>
 86      <em>function is the <strong>number of characters</strong>, not the ending space.&nbsp;
 87      This is why we have to subtract</em> <code>space1</code> <em>from</em>
 88      <code>space2</code>.</blockquote>
 90    <pre>(7) var word2b = str.substring( space1+1, space2 ) ;</pre>
 91    <p>The second word &mdash; extracted using the <code>substring</code> function &mdash;
 92      is:&nbsp;<strong>
 93    <script>
 94      var word2b = str.substring( space1+1, space2 ) ;
 95      document.writeln( word2b ) ;
 96    </script>
 97    </strong></p>
 98    <blockquote><em>The second parameter to the</em> <code>substring</code> <em>function is
 99      indeed the ending space.&nbsp; This is why we do <strong>not</strong> subtract</em>
100      <code>space1</code> <em>from</em> <code>space2</code>.</blockquote>
102    <pre>(8) var phrase1 = word2 + " " + word1 ;</pre>
103    <p>Concatenating <code>word1</code> onto <code>word2</code> yields:&nbsp;<strong>
104    <script>
105      var phrase1 = word2 + " " + word1 ;
106      document.writeln( phrase1 ) ;
107    </script>
108    </strong></p>
109    <blockquote><em>Remember that the second parameter is the number of characters, not the
110      ending space.&nbsp; This is why we have to subtract</em> <code>space1</code>
111      <em>from</em> <code>space2</code>.</blockquote>
113    <pre>(9) var arrWords = str.split( " " ) ;</pre>
114    <p>We can get all the words at once using the <code>split</code> function:</p>
115    <strong>
116    <script>
117      var arrWords = str.split( " " ) ;
118      document.writeln( "<ol start='0'>" ) ;
119      for ( var k = 0 ; k < arrWords.length ; k++ ) {
120        document.writeln( "<li>" + arrWords[k] + "</li>" ) ;
121      }
122      document.writeln( "</ol>" ) ;
123    </script>
124    </strong>
125    <blockquote><em>Note that array indexes are 0-based!</em></blockquote>
127    <pre>(10) document.writeln( arrWords[5] + " " + arrWords[7] + " " + arrWords[3] + " " +
128      arrWords[1] + " " + arrWords[0] + " " + arrWords[6] + " " + arrWords[4] ) ;</pre>
129    <p>We can then print them any way we want!&nbsp;<strong></p>
130    <script>
131      document.writeln( "&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; " +
132          arrWords[5] + " " + arrWords[7] + " " + arrWords[3] + " " +
133          arrWords[1] + " " + arrWords[0] + " " + arrWords[6] + " " + arrWords[4] ) ;
134    </script>
135    </strong>
137    <pre>(11) var phrase2 = str.replaceAll( " ", "|" ) ;</pre>
138    <p>Replacing all spaces with vertical bars yields:&nbsp;<strong>
139    <script>
140      var phrase2 = str.replaceAll( " ", "|" ) ;
141      document.writeln( phrase2 ) ;
142    </script>
143    </strong></p>
144    <blockquote><em>The first parameter is the search string and the second is the
145      replacement string.</em></blockquote>
147    <pre>(12) var bStartsWithNew = str.startsWith( "New" ) ;</pre>
148    <p>Testing whether the string starts with <strong>New</strong> yields:&nbsp;<strong>
149    <script>
150      var bStartsWithNew = str.startsWith( "New" ) ;
151      document.writeln( bStartsWithNew ) ;
152    </script>
153    </strong></p>
155    <pre>(13) var bEndsWithNew = str.startsWith( "Hampshire" ) ;</pre>
156    <p>Testing whether the string ends with <strong>Hampshire</strong> yields:&nbsp;<strong>
157    <script>
158      var bEndsWithNew = str.startsWith( "Hampshire" ) ;
159      document.writeln( bEndsWithNew ) ;
160    </script>
161    </strong></p>
163    <pre>(14) var strUpper = str.toUpperCase() ;</pre>
164    <p>Converting the string to all uppercase yields:&nbsp;<strong>
165    <script>
166      var strUpper = str.toUpperCase() ;
167      document.writeln( strUpper ) ;
168    </script>
169    </strong></p>
171    <pre>(15) var strLower = str.toLowerCase() ;</pre>
172    <p>Converting the string to all lowercase yields:&nbsp;<strong>
173    <script>
174      var strLower = str.toLowerCase() ;
175      document.writeln( strLower ) ;
176    </script>
177    </strong></p>
179    <pre>(16) var bIncludesSchool1 = str.includes( "School" ) ;</pre>
180    <p>Testing whether the string includes (contains) <strong>School</strong>
181     yields:&nbsp;<strong>
182    <script>
183      var bIncludesSchool1 = str.includes( "School" ) ;
184      document.writeln( bIncludesSchool1 ) ;
185    </script>
186    </strong></p>
187    <blockquote><em>Note that the <code>includes</code> function is case-sensitive.&nbsp;
188      This is verified by the next example.</em></blockquote>
190    <pre>(17) var bIncludesSchool2 = str.includes( "school" ) ;</pre>
191    <p>Testing whether the string includes <strong>school</strong> yields:&nbsp;<strong>
192    <script>
193      var bIncludesSchool2 = str.includes( "school" ) ;
194      document.writeln( bIncludesSchool2 ) ;
195    </script>
196    </strong></p>
197  </body>
198  </html>