1  <!DOCTYPE html>
 2  <html>
 4  <!--
 5    File:  D:\cssd.local\E\Student Resources\Website Development I\CodeSamples\TestMissingParameters.html
 6    Copyright (c) 2009-2022 by Jesse M. Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely
 7      copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.
 8    updated by JMH on September 19, 2009 at 7:09 PM
 9    updated by JMH on October 4, 2015 at 11:52 AM
10    updated by JMH on April 23, 2022 at 10:12 AM
11    updated by JMH on May 8, 2022 at 8:38 PM
12  -->
14    <head>
15      <title>TestMissingParameters.html</title>
16      <script type="text/javascript">
17        // updated by JMH on September 18, 2009 at 11:50 PM
18        // updated by JMH on October 4, 2015 at 11:52 AM
19        function test( a, b, c ) {
20          document.writeln( "<p>" ) ;
21          document.writeln( "Referencing parameter a   <em>returns</em>   " + a +
22              "<br>Referencing parameter b   <em>returns</em>   " + b +
23              "<br>Referencing parameter c   <em>returns</em>   " + c +
24              "<br> " +
25              "<br><code>( c == null )</code>   <em>returns</em>   <code>" + ( c == null ) + "</code>" +
26              "<br><code>( c === null )</code>   <em>returns</em>   <code>" + ( c === null ) + "</code>" +
27              "<br><code>( c  === undefined )</code>   <em>returns</em>   <code>" + ( c === undefined ) + "</code>" +
28              "<br><code>typeof( c )</code>   <em>returns</em>    <code>" + typeof( c ) + "</code>" +
29              "<br><code>( typeof( c ) == \"undefined\" )</code>   <em>returns</em>   <code>" + ( typeof( c ) == "undefined" ) + "</code>" +
30              "<br><code>( typeof( c ) == undefined )</code>   <em>returns</em>   <code>" + ( typeof( c ) == undefined ) ) + "</code>" ;
31          document.writeln( "</p>" ) ;
32        }
33      </script>
34      <style>
35        code {
36          font-weight : bold ;
37        }
38      </style>
39    </head>
41    <body>
42      <!-- updated by JMH on September 18, 2009 at 11:50 PM -->
43      <h1>Parameter Test</h1>
44      <p>updated by JMH on September 19, 2009 at 7:09 PM<br>
45         updated by JMH on October 4, 2015 at 11:55 AM</p>
47      <p><br>
48        <em><strong>Function definition:</strong></em>
49        <blockquote style="margin-top: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0"><code>function test( a, b, c )</code></blockquote>
50        <em>or</em>
51        <blockquote style="margin-top: 0"><code>var test = function( a, b, c )</code></blockquote>
52      </p>
53      <p>
54        <em><strong>Executing JavaScript function call:</strong></em>
55        <blockquote style="margin-top: 0"><code> test( 1, "one" ) ;</code></blockquote>
56      </p>
57      <p>
58        <em><strong>Results:</strong></em>
59      </p>
60      <script type="text/javascript">
61        test( 1, "one" ) ;
62      </script>
63    </body>
65  </html>