1  <!DOCTYPE html>
 2  <html>
 3  <head>
 4    <meta charset="utf-8">
 5    <title>GetElements Enhanced Demonstration</title>
 6  <!--
 7    File:  D:\cssd.local\E\Student Resources\Website Development I\CodeSamples\GetElementsDemonstration-Enhanced.html
 8    Copyright (c) 2022 by Jesse Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely
 9      copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.
10    updated by JMH on May 9, 2022 at 11:42 AM
11  -->
12    <script>
13      var nExample = 0 ;
14      var NextExample = function() {
15        console.log( "nExample = " + nExample )
16        switch( nExample ) {
17          case 0 :
18            // example #0 = restore the initial state
19            collectionP[1].innerHTML = "two" ;
20            collectionP[1].style.fontWeight = "normal" ;
21            var elemThree = document.getElementsByTagName( "h2" )[0] ;
22            if ( elemThree != null ) {
23              elemThree.outerHTML = "<p>three</p>" ;
24            }
25            for ( var k = 0 ; k < collectionP.length ; k++ ) {
26              collectionP[k].style.color = "black" ;
27            }
28            break ;
30          case 1 :
31            // example #1 = set all elements red
32            for ( var k = 0 ; k < collectionP.length ; k++ ) {
33              collectionP[k].style.color = "red" ;
34            }
35            break ;
37          case 2 :
38            // example #2 = set the 2nd element to "four" in blue, bold text
39            collectionP[1].innerHTML = "four" ;
40            collectionP[1].style.color = "blue" ;
41            collectionP[1].style.fontWeight = "bold" ;
42            break ;
44          case 3 :
45            // example #3 = change the 3rd element to a Heading 2
46            collectionP[2].outerHTML = "<h2>five</h2>" ;
47            break ;
48        }
49        nExample = ++nExample % 4 ;
50      }
51    </script>
53  </head>
55  <body>
56    <p>one</p>
57    <p>two</p>
58    <p>three</p>
60    <button id="btnNext" type="button" onclick="NextExample()">Next Example</button>
62    <script>
63      var collectionP = document.getElementsByTagName("p") ;
64      document.writeln( "<div><br><code>collectionP</code> has type <code>" +
65          typeof collectionP + "</code>.</div>" ) ;
66      document.writeln( "<div><code>collectionP</code> has " + collectionP.length +
67          " elements.</div>" ) ;
69      NextExample() ;
71    </script>
73  <p><br>
74    <hr></p>
75  <p><em>Important Notes:</em>  (source:
76    <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_htmlcollection.asp"
77       target="_blank">https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_htmlcollection.asp</a>)</p>
78  <ul>
79    <li>An <code>HTMLCollection</code> is not an <code>Array</code>!</li>
80    <li>An <code>HTMLCollection</code> may look like an array, but it is not.</li>
81    <li>You can loop through an <code>HTMLCollection</code> and refer to its elements
82      with an index.</li>
83    <li>But you cannot use <code>Array</code> methods like <code>push()</code>,
84      <code>pop()</code>, or <code>join()</code> on an <code>HTMLCollection</code>.</li>
85  </ul>
86  </body>
88  </html>