1  <!DOCTYPE html>
  2  <html>
  3  <head>
  4    <meta charset="utf-8">
  5    <title>Function Demonstrations</title>
  6  <!--
  7    File:  cssdweb.edu/Student Resources/Website Development I/CodeSamples/
  8              FunctionDemonstrations_v2.html
  9    Copyright (c) 2022-2023 by Jesse Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely
 10      copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.
 11    updated by JMH on May 26, 2023 at 3:27 PM
 12  -->
 13    <style>
 14      input[type="radio"] {
 15        margin-left: 1em ;
 16      }
 17    </style>
 19    <script type="text/javascript">
 21      // get the format number for second table if supplied
 22      var strQuery = window.location.search ;
 23      var urlParams = new URLSearchParams( strQuery ) ;
 24            // Note that URLSearchParams is a special type of function called a constructor.
 25            // It takes the query string as its argument and constructs an object from which
 26            // we can extract the values by their names.
 27      var strFormatNumber = urlParams.get( "format" ) ;
 28            // Note that the .get function always returns a string, not a number.
 29      // console.log( strFormatNumber ) ;
 30      // console.log( typeof strFormatNumber == "undefined" ) ;
 31      // console.log( strFormatNumber == null ) ;
 32      // console.log( strFormatNumber === null ) ;
 34      // set the default format number if one is not specified as a parameter
 35      if ( strFormatNumber == null ) {
 36        strFormatNumber = 0 ;
 37      }
 39      // reload the current page with the selected format number as a parameter
 40      var ReloadWithFormat = function( nFormat ) {
 41        window.location = window.location.pathname + "?format=" + nFormat ;
 42      } ;
 44      // indicate which radio button was selected
 45      var SelectFormatRadioButton = function( nFormat ) {
 46        // console.log( typeof nFormat ) ;
 47        switch ( nFormat ) {
 48          case 0 :
 49            document.getElementById( "zero" ).checked = true ;  break ;
 50          case 1 :
 51            document.getElementById( "one" ).checked = true ;   break ;
 52          case 2 :
 53            document.getElementById( "two" ).checked = true ;   break ;
 54          case 3 :
 55            document.getElementById( "three" ).checked = true ; break ;
 56        }
 57      }
 59      // return the area of a circle given its radius
 60      var CircleArea = function( radius ) {
 61        var area = Math.PI * radius * radius ;
 62        return area.toFixed( 5 ) ;
 63      }
 65      // return the area of a circle given its radius in one of three formats
 66      var CircleArea2 = function( radius, nFormat ) {
 67        if ( typeof nFormat == "undefined" ) {
 68          nFormat = 2 ;
 69        }
 70        var area = Math.PI * radius * radius ;
 71        switch ( nFormat ) {
 72          case 0 : return area ; break ;
 73          case 1 : return Math.round( area ) ; break ;
 74          case 2 : return area.toFixed( 5 ) ; break ;
 75          case 3 :
 76            return area.toLocaleString( "en-US", { minimumFractionDigits: 5 } ) ;
 77            break ;
 78        }
 79      }
 81      // return today's date in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD with leading 0s if necessary)
 82      GetTodayISO8601_v1 = function() {
 83        var now = new Date() ;      // today's date as an object
 84        var strNowISO8601 = "" ;    // initialize this variable as a string
 86        // set year
 87        if ( now.getFullYear() < 1900 ) {
 88          strNowISO8601 += ( now.getFullYear()+1900 ) ;
 89        } else {
 90          strNowISO8601 += now.getFullYear() ;
 91        }
 93        // set month
 94        if ( now.getMonth()+1 < 10 ) {
 95          strNowISO8601 += "-0" + ( now.getMonth()+1 ) ;
 96        } else {
 97          strNowISO8601 += "-" + ( now.getMonth()+1 );
 98        }
100        // set day
101        if ( now.getDate()+1 < 10 ) {
102          strNowISO8601 += "-0" + ( now.getDate() ) ;
103        } else {
104          strNowISO8601 += "-" + ( now.getDate() ) ;
105        }
107        // return fully constructed string
108        return strNowISO8601 ;
109      }
111      // return today's date in ISO8601 format
112      GetTodayISO8601_v2 = function() {
113        var now = new Date() ;      // today's date as an object
115        // modified per suggestion by student Nathan Gilbert on January 16, 2009 at 9:52 PM
116        var strNowISO8601 = "" +
117            ( now.getFullYear() < 1900 ? now.getFullYear()+1900 : now.getFullYear() ) ;
118        strNowISO8601 += "-" +
119            ( now.getMonth()+1 < 10 ? "0" + (now.getMonth()+1) : now.getMonth()+1 ) ;
120        strNowISO8601 += "-" +
121            ( now.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + now.getDate() : now.getDate() ) ;
123        return strNowISO8601 ;
124      }

126      // return today's date in ISO8601 format
127      GetTodayISO8601_v3 = function() {
128        var now = new Date() ;      // today's date as an object
130        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/
131        //    Global_Objects/Date/toISOString
132        var strNowISO8601 = now.toISOString() ;
134        return strNowISO8601 ;
135      }
137      // return today's date in ISO8601 format
138      GetTodayISO8601_v4 = function() {
139        var now = new Date() ;      // today's date as an object
141        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/
142        //    Global_Objects/Date/toISOString
143        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/
144        //    Global_Objects/String/substring
145        var strNowISO8601 = now.toISOString().substring( 0, 10 ) ;
147        return strNowISO8601 ;
148      }
149    </script>
151    <style>
152      table.CircleAreas tr td:nth-child(1) {
153        text-align : center ;
154      }
155      table.CircleAreas tr td:nth-child(2) {
156        text-align : right ;
157      }
158    </style>
159  </head>
161  <body onload="SelectFormatRadioButton( nFormat ) ;">
162    <h3>Calling Function CircleArea( n )</h3>
163    <table class="CircleAreas" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1">
164      <tr>
165        <th colspan="2">Circle Areas</th>
166      </tr>
167      <tr>
168        <th>Radius</th>
169        <th>Area</th>
170      </tr>
171      <tr>
172        <td>1</td>
173        <td>
174          <script>
175            document.writeln( CircleArea( 1 ) ) ;
176          </script>
177        </td>
178      </tr>
179      <tr>
180        <td>2</td>
181        <td>
182          <script>
183            document.writeln( CircleArea( 2 ) ) ;
184          </script>
185        </td>
186      </tr>

187      <tr>
188        <td>4</td>
189        <td>
190          <script>
191            document.writeln( CircleArea( 4 ) ) ;
192          </script>
193        </td>
194      </tr>
195      <tr>
196        <td>8</td>
197        <td>
198          <script>
199            document.writeln( CircleArea( 8 ) ) ;
200          </script>
201        </td>
202      </tr>
203      <tr>
204        <td>16</td>
205        <td>
206          <script>
207            document.writeln( CircleArea( 16 ) ) ;
208          </script>
209        </td>
210      </tr>
211      <tr>
212        <td>34</td>
213        <td>
214          <script>
215            document.writeln( CircleArea( 32 ) ) ;
216          </script>
217        </td>
218      </tr>
219      <tr>
220        <td>64</td>
221        <td>
222          <script>
223            document.writeln( CircleArea( 64 ) ) ;
224          </script>
225        </td>
226      </tr>
227    </table>
229    <br><hr>
231    <h3>Using a Loop Within the Table</h3>
232    <!-- format selection table -->
233    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="margin-bottom: 1em">
234      <tr>
235        <td><em>Format:</em></td>
236        <td><input type="radio" id="zero" onclick="ReloadWithFormat( 0 );">
237            <label for="zerp">no format</label></td>
238      </tr>
239      <tr>
240        <td></td>
241        <td><input type="radio" id="one" onclick="ReloadWithFormat( 1 );">
242            <label for="one">rounded to an integer</label></td>
243      </tr>
244      <tr>
245        <td></td>
246        <td><input type="radio" id="two" onclick="ReloadWithFormat( 2 );">
247            <label for="two">to 5 decimal places</label></td>
248      </tr>

249      <tr>
250        <td></td>
251        <td><input type="radio" id="three" onclick="ReloadWithFormat( 3 );">
252            <label for="three">to 5 decimal places with commas in integer part</label></td>
253      </tr>
254    </table>
256    <!-- results output table -->
257    <table class="CircleAreas" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1">
258      <tr>
259        <th colspan="2">Circle Areas</th>
260      </tr>
261      <tr>
262        <th>Radius</th>
263        <th>Area</th>
264      </tr>
265      <script>
266        var radius = 1 ;  // initial circle radius
267        var nFormat ;     // variable declaration without an initial value
268        // console.log( strFormatNumber ) ;
269        if ( strFormatNumber == null ) {
270          nFormat = 0 ;    // default format number
271        } else {
272          nFormat = parseInt( strFormatNumber ) ;  // format option read from URL
273        }
274        for ( var k = 1 ; k <= 7 ; k++ ) {
275          document.writeln( "<tr>" ) ;
276          document.writeln( "<td>" + radius + "</td>" ) ;
277          document.writeln( "<td>" + CircleArea2( radius, nFormat ) + "</td>" ) ;
278          document.writeln( "</tr>" ) ;
279          radius = radius * 2 ;
280        }
281      </script>
282    </table>
284    <br><hr>
286    <h3>Functions to Return Today’s Date in ISO8601 Format</h3>
287    <p>Call to function <code><strong>GetTodayISO8601_v1()</strong></code> returns:</p>
288    <blockquote>
289      <script>
290        document.writeln( GetTodayISO8601_v1() ) ;
291      </script>
292    </blockquote>
293    <p>Call to function <code><strong>GetTodayISO8601_v2()</strong></code> returns:</p>
294    <blockquote>
295      <script>
296        document.writeln( GetTodayISO8601_v2() ) ;
297      </script>
298    </blockquote>
299    <p>Call to function <code><strong>GetTodayISO8601_v3()</strong></code> returns:</p>
300    <blockquote>
301      <script>
302        document.writeln( GetTodayISO8601_v3() ) ;
303      </script>
304    </blockquote>
305    <p>Call to function <code><strong>GetTodayISO8601_v4()</strong></code> returns:</p>
306    <blockquote>
307      <script>
308        document.writeln( GetTodayISO8601_v4() ) ;
309      </script>
310    </blockquote>
311  </body>
312  </html>