1  <!DOCTYPE html>
 2  <html>
 4  <head>
 5    <meta charset="utf-8">
 7    <!-- set the text that goes in the browser tab {replace with your page title} -->
 8    <title>Custom Tags</title>
10  <!--
11    File:  \Student Resources\Website Development I\CodeSamples\CustomTags.html
12    maintained by Jesse Heines
13    updated by JMH on October 14, 2022 at 8:03 AM
15    developed in response to questions from Mr. Smith and Mr. Ericson and Mr. Scott
16  -->
18    <!-- additional head code goes here, such as the following -->
20    <!-- set the icon to use in the browser tab -->
21    <link href="images/OldManInTheMountain_16x16.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
23  </head>
25  <body>
27    <!-- test #1: custom tag -->
28    <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0">Testing Custom Tags</h2>
29    <p style="margin-top: 0">&#10148; <strong><em>in response to an excellent
30      question from Mr. Ericson</em></strong></p>
31    <p>This is a paragraph tag.</p>
32    <Nathaniel>This is a Nathaniel tag.</Nathaniel>
33    <p>This is also a paragraph tag.</p>
34    <Nathaniel>This is a second Nathaniel tag.</Nathaniel>
35    <Nathaniel>This is a third Nathaniel tag.</Nathaniel>
36    <Nathaniel>This is a fourth Nathaniel tag.</Nathaniel>
37    <p>Thus, without styling, the Nathaniel tag has no rendition.</p>
38    <Nathaniel style="font-style: italic">This is a Nathaniel tag with a style
39      attribute.</Nathaniel>
40    <hr>
42    <!-- test #2: whitespace -->
43    <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0">Testing the Effect of Whitespace</h2>
44    <p style="margin-top: 0">&#10148; <strong><em>in response to a an excellent
45      question from Mr. Smith</em></strong></p>
46    <p>This   paragraph   has  a    lot of    extra   whitespace     embedded.</p>
47    <ul>
48      <li>In general, multiple spaces <strong><em>within</em></strong> opening and
49        closing tags are rendered as a single space.</li>
50    </ul>
51    <p>This is a normal paragraph.
52      I have put each sentence on a separate line.
53      The line breaks are ignored because they're simply whitespace.</p>
54    <ul>
55      <li>In general, line breaks <strong><em>within</em></strong> opening and
56        closing tags are treated as spaces.</li>
57    </ul>
58    <p>In general, whitespace <strong><em>between</em></strong> tags is simply
59      ignored.</p>
60    <hr>
62    <!-- test #3: <br> -->
63    <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0">Testing the <code>&lt;br></code> (line break) Tag</h2>
64    <p style="margin-top: 0">&#10148; <strong><em>in response to a an excellent
65      question from Mr. Scott</em></strong></p>
66    <p>This
67      paragraph<br>
68      has
69      a<br>
70      line
71      break<br>
72      after
73      every<br>
74      second
75      word.</p>
76    <ul>
77      <li>Note that the line breaks without <code>&lt;br></code> tags are treated as
78        spaces.</li>
79      <li>Also note that the extra spaces at the beginnings of lines are rendered as
80        a single space.</li>
81    </ul>
82    <hr>
84  </body>
86  </html>