1  <!DOCTYPE html>
  2  <html>
  3  <head>
  4    <meta charset="utf-8">
  5    <title>Array Example 4</title>
  7  <!--
  8    File:  \\cssd.local\Student Resources\Website Development I\CodeSamples\ArrayExample_4.html
  9    Copyright (c) 2022 by Jesse Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely
 10      copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.
 11    updated by JMH on June 6, 2022 at 10:27 AM
 12  -->
 14    <script>
 17      /* This statement declares variable arrCSSD to be an array.  It will actually be a
 18         two-dimensional (2D) array by the time we finish populating it with data.  A 2D
 19         array is equivalent to a table with rows and column.  Each top level element of
 20         the array represents a row, and the data in the secondary array represents the
 21         columns. */
 22      var arrCSSD = new Array() ;
 23      /* The statements that follow "push" onto the array, which means they add data at the
 24         end.  Each statement pushes an entire subarray onto the top level array, resulting
 25         in a data structure with the 4 "columns".  These columns, in order, are:
 26             |  Room #  |  Instructor Name  |  Course Name  |  Time Slot  |
 27         where "Day Period" is "A" for 7:10-8:30, "B" for 8:40=10:00, "C" for 10:10-11:30,
 28         "D" for 11:40-1:00, and "E" for 1:10-2:30. */
 29      arrCSSD.push( [ 1, "Lees", "Economics", "A" ] ) ;
 30      arrCSSD.push( [ 1, "Lees", "Geography", "B" ] ) ;
 31      arrCSSD.push( [ 2, "Burzycki", "Biology IA", "D" ] ) ;
 32      arrCSSD.push( [ 2, "Burzycki", "Biology IB", "E" ] ) ;
 33      arrCSSD.push( [ 3, "Latorella", "World Literature IA", "A" ] ) ;
 34      arrCSSD.push( [ 3, "Latorella", "Special Units", "B" ] ) ;
 35      arrCSSD.push( [ 3, "Latorella", "American Literature IA", "D" ] ) ;
 36      arrCSSD.push( [ 3, "Latorella", "Tolkien", "E" ] ) ;
 37      arrCSSD.push( [ 4, "Jones", "CDL Prep.", "B" ] ) ;
 38      arrCSSD.push( [ 4, "Jones", "CDL Prep.", "D" ] ) ;
 39      arrCSSD.push( [ 6, "Mosher", "Algebra IA", "A" ] ) ;
 40      arrCSSD.push( [ 6, "Mosher", "Computation for Business", "B" ] ) ;
 41      arrCSSD.push( [ 7, "Piper", "Short Story", "D" ] ) ;
 42      arrCSSD.push( [ 7, "Piper", "Mythology", "E" ] ) ;
 43      arrCSSD.push( [ 8, "Kroll", "Purchasing", "D" ] ) ;
 44      arrCSSD.push( [ 8, "Kroll", "Nutrition for Culinary", "E" ] ) ;
 45      arrCSSD.push( [ 10, "Spires", "Small Business Management", "A" ] ) ;
 46      arrCSSD.push( [ 10, "Spires", "Advanced Microsoft Applications", "D" ] ) ;
 47      arrCSSD.push( [ 10, "Spires", "Career Awareness", "E" ] ) ;
 52      // This is a "helper" function that returns the time slot given its letter identifier.
 53      // Note that the string returned is actually a table itself that goes inside the last
 54      // column of the master table.
 55      var TimeSlot = function( strLetterID ) {
 56        var strReturn = "<table id='timeslot' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td>" ;
 57        switch ( strLetterID ) {
 58          case "A" : strReturn += "7:10 AM</td><td>&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;</td><td>8:30 AM" ; break ;
 59          case "B" : strReturn += "8:40 AM</td><td>&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;</td><td> 10:00 AM" ; break ;
 60          case "C" : strReturn += "10:10 AM</td><td>&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;</td><td> 11:30 AM" ; break ;
 61          case "D" : strReturn += "11:40 AM</td><td>&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;</td><td> 1:00 PM" ; break ;
 62          case "E" : strReturn += "1:10 PM</td><td>&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;</td><td> 2:30 PM" ; break ;
 63        }
 64        strReturn += "</td></tr></table>" ;
 65        // the following statement was used for debugging
 66        // console.log( strReturn ) ;
 67        return strReturn ;
 68      }
 70      // This function displays the table in whatever order it is currently sorted.
 71      var DisplayTable = function( nSortColumn ) {
 72        // Loop through the entire array, displaying the subarray in each top-level element
 73        // in a separate row.
 74        for ( var k = 0 ; k < arrCSSD.length ; k++ ) {
 75          document.writeln( "<tr>" ) ;
 76          document.writeln( "  <td>" + arrCSSD[k][0] + "</td>" ) ;
 77          document.writeln( "  <td>" + arrCSSD[k][1] + "</td>" ) ;
 78          document.writeln( "  <td>" + arrCSSD[k][2] + "</td>" ) ;
 79          document.writeln( "  <td>" + TimeSlot( arrCSSD[k][3] ) + "</td>" ) ;
 80          document.writeln( "</tr>" ) ;
 81        }
 83        // Highlight the header cell of the column on which the data is sorted.
 84        // Be careful!  The getElementsByTagName function returns a *collection*, which is
 85        // similar to, but not quite the same as an *array*!
 86        var colHeaderCells = document.getElementsByTagName("th") ;
 87        colHeaderCells[nSortColumn-1].setAttribute(
 88          "style", "background-color: lightgreen ; color: black" ) ;
 89      }
 94      // Note:  The following 4 functions could be combined into a single function with some
 95      // additional programming, but I have left them as separate functions for clarity.  We
 96      // could also write additional functions which sort the specified columns in descending
 97      // order.
 99      // This function compares the first (0th) items in the subarrays, which are the       
100      // ROOM NUMBERS.  It returns -1 if the 1st item should come before the 2nd. +1 if the 
101      // 1st item should come after the 2nd, 0 if their current order is OK.                 
102      var fnRoomAscending = function( a, b ) {
103        if ( a[0] < b[0] ) {
104          return -1 ;
105        } else if ( a[0] > b[0] ) {
106          return +1 ;
107        } else {
108          return 0 ;
109        }
110      }
112      // This function compares the second (index 1) items in the subarrays, which are the  
113      // INSTRUCTOR NAMES.  It returns -1 if the 1st item should come before the 2nd. +1 if 
114      // the 1st item should come after the 2nd, 0 if their current order is OK.             
115      var fnNameAscending = function( a, b ) {
116        if ( a[1] < b[1] ) {
117          return -1 ;
118        } else if ( a[1] > b[1] ) {
119          return +1 ;
120        } else {
121          return 0 ;
122        }
123      }
125      // This function compares the third (index 2) items in the subarrays, which are the   
126      // COURSE NAMES.  It returns -1 if the 1st item should come before the 2nd. +1 if the 
127      // 1st item should come after the 2nd, 0 if their current order is OK.                 
128      var fnCourseAscending = function( a, b ) {
129        if ( a[2] < b[2] ) {
130          return -1 ;
131        } else if ( a[2] > b[2] ) {
132          return +1 ;
133        } else {
134          return 0 ;
135        }
136      }
138      // This function compares the fourth (index 3) items in the subarrays, which are the   
139      // TIME SLOTS.  Remember that the time slots are encoded as "A", "B", "C", "D", or "E".
140      // Just like the other functions, this one also returns -1 if the 1st item should come 
141      // before the 2nd. +1 if the 1st item should come after the 2nd, 0 if their current    
142      // order is OK.                                                                        
143      var fnTimeAscending = function( a, b ) {
144        if ( a[3] < b[3] ) {
145          return -1 ;
146        } else if ( a[3] > b[3] ) {
147          return +1 ;
148        } else {
149          return 0 ;
150        }
151      }
156      // This function is executed when the user clicks on a column header cell.  The
157      // parameter passed to this function is the number of the column on which we wish to
158      // sort the table.
159      var ReloadPage = function( nSortColumn ) {
160        // The following statement returns:
161        //    "/StudentResources/CodeSamples/ArrayExample_4.html"
162        var strThisPagePath = window.location.pathname ;
164        // To this we want to add a query parameter, which is part of a query string.
165        // The question mark begins the query string part of a URL.
166        // Each parameter is then written in name=value format.
167        // Thus, what we want is the page path returned by the above statement, then a
168        //   question mark, then the query parameter name ("SortColumn") followed by an
169        //   equals sign (=) and finally followed by the parameter value, which in our
170        //   current case is the number of the desired sort column passed to this function.
171        var strFullPagePath = strThisPagePath + "?SortColumn=" + nSortColumn ;
173        // The final step is to replace the current page with the full path that we just
174        // constructed.  In our case, this is the same page that we are currently viewing,
175        // but with a parameter specifying the desired sort column.
176        window.location.replace( strFullPagePath ) ;
177      }
181      // nSortColumn is the number of the column by which the data will be sorted.  The
182      // default is 1, but this can be changed by clicking on a different column header cell.
183      var nSortColumn = 1 ;
185      // The following code determines whether a query (search) string has been supplied
186      // and, if so, whether that query string contains a SortColumn parameter and a legal
187      // value (1-4). If it does, the value of the SortColumn parameter replaces the
188      // nSortColumn value so that the table data is sorted as the user desires.
189      //    Note that for simplicity, the following code does not contain a lot of error
190      // checking.  In a real application you have to have a lot of error checking whenever
191      // you get input from the user to ensure that the data he or she enters is valid.  In
192      // many of the production quality programs that I have written personally, the amount
193      // of error-checking code EXCEEDS the amount of processing code!
194      //    The following code could also be made more efficient, but I have written it our
195      // step-by-step for clarity.
197      // (1) get the query (search) string, which starts with a question mark (?)
198      var strSearchString = window.location.search ;
199      if ( strSearchString != "" && strSearchString.startsWith( "?SortColumn" ) ) {
200        // (2) split the search string on the equals sign (=), which returns an array
201        arrSearchString = strSearchString.split( "=" ) ;
202        // (3) the value we want is the 2nd (index 1) element of the array
203        strSortColumn = arrSearchString[1] ;
204        // (4) CRITICAL!  Note that values extracted from query strings are ALWAYS STRINGS,
205        // not numbers.  For use in our program we must therefore convert string variable
206        // strSortColumn to a number (variable nSortColumn) using the built-in eval function.
207        nSortColumn = eval( strSortColumn ) ;
208      }
209    </script>
211    <style>
212      h2#title {                  /* main page title */
213        color: blue ;
214        margin-bottom: 0.2em ;
215      }
216      h3#semester {               /* page subtitle (semester dates) */
217        color: blue ;
218        margin-top: 0 ;
219      }
220      table#master tr th {        /* formatting for the table header row */
221        background-color: black ;
222        color: white ;
223      }
224      table#master tr th:hover {  /* formatting change when a header cell is moused over */
225        background-color: yellow ;
226        color: black ;
227      }
228      /* Note that the nth-child pseudo-selector's argument begins at 1, not 0.  (Sigh.) */
229      table#master tr td:nth-child(1) {     /* formatting for column 1 */
230        text-align: center ;
231      }
232      table#master tr td:nth-child(4) {     /* formatting for column 4 */
233        text-align: right ;
234      }
235      table#timeslot tr td:nth-child(1),    /* formatting for the Time Slot subtable */
236      table#timeslot tr td:nth-child(3) {   /* that is the data in column 4          */
237        width: 4.09em ;
238        text-align: right ;
239      }
240    </style>
242  </head>
244  <body>
245    <!-- display the page title and semester dates -->
246    <h2 id="title">Corrections Special School District</h2>
247    <h3 id="semester">Semester:&nbsp; April 4 to June 17, 2022</h3>
249    <script>
250      // The following code displays a message stating how the data is sorted.
251      // Note the use of document.write instead of document.writeln to prevent extra spaces
252      // from being added where not desired, such as before the period.
253      //   -- document.writeln outputs text followed by a carriage return, which the browser
254      //        displays as a space.
255      //   -- document.write outputs text without a carriage return.
256      document.write( "<p>This is option " + nSortColumn + ", in which the data is " +
257          "ordered by:&nbsp; <strong style='background-color: lightgreen'>&nbsp;" ) ;
258      switch ( nSortColumn ) {
259        case 1 :  // sorted on the Room Number
260          document.write( "Room Number" ) ; break ;
261        case 2 :  // sorted on the Instructor Name
262          document.write( "Instructor Name" ) ; break ;
263        case 3 :  // sorted on the Course name
264          document.write( "Course Name" ) ; break ;
265        case 4 :  // sorted on the Time Slot
266          document.write( "Time Slot" ) ; break ;
267      }
268      document.writeln( "&nbsp;</strong></p>" ) ;
269    </script>
271    <!-- This is the table of room numbers, instructor names, course names, and time slots. -->
272    <table id="master" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1">
273      <tr>
274        <!--
275          Note that each table header cell has an onclick parameter.  The value of this
276          parameter is the name of a function that will be called when that table cell is
277          clicked.  To that function we pass the number of the column by which we want the
278          table data to be sorted.
279        -->
280        <th onclick="ReloadPage( 1 )">Room #</th>
281        <th onclick="ReloadPage( 2 )">Instructor</th>
282        <th onclick="ReloadPage( 3 )">Course</th>
283        <th onclick="ReloadPage( 4 )">Time Slot</th>
284      </tr>
286      <script>
287        // Before displaying the table, we sort the array on the desired column using the
288        // appropriate comparison function.
289        switch ( nSortColumn ) {
290          case 1 :  // sort by Room #
291            arrCSSD.sort( fnRoomAscending ) ; break ;
292          case 2 :  // sort by Instructor Name
293            arrCSSD.sort( fnNameAscending ) ; break ;
294          case 3 :  // sort by Course Name
295            arrCSSD.sort( fnCourseAscending ) ; break ;
296          case 4 :  // sort by Time Slot
297            arrCSSD.sort( fnTimeAscending ) ; break ;
298        }
300        // We are now finally ready to display the table! :)
301        DisplayTable( nSortColumn ) ;
302      </script>
303    </table>
304  </body>
306  </html>