Holocaust Survivors

Survivor Stories
Photo Gallery
Audio Gallery
About the Project

What's New

Yom Hashoah, the day which commemorates victims of the Holocaust, is May 3rd. View our special on-line exhibit Voices from the Oblivion.
Why have this web site? Because history is not just about events, it is about human lives. Here we present history with a human face. Read the stories of the survivors. Hear them speak. Look at their family photographs. Consult our encyclopedia. Read a historical introduction to the Holocaust. Leave your thoughts or ask your questions on our discussion page.

I appreciate your feedback; please e-mail me, John Menszer, <director@holocaustsurvivors.org>.

Made Possible Through a Grant from
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
State Affiliate of the National Endowment
for the Humanities
The Jewish Community Center of New Orleans
© 1999-2000, John Menszer
web site designed by dave cash