UMass Lowell Dept. of Computer Science

91.461 GUI Programming I

Fall 2015 Semester, Section 201

Prof. Jesse M. Heines

Notes for Class No. 7

Introduction to GitHub, CSS Media Queries, and Google Web Fonts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A video of this class is (or will be) posted at:

Handouts and Materials

Openings / Announcements / Reminders

Assignment No. 4 on GitHub is now posted

Reminder to those of you who already have GitHub accounts: you may want to create another free account just for this course

Assignment No. 5 on Formatting Text is also now posted

Thank you to those of you who corrected your Piazza names

The quiz on selectors that I mentioned last week will be in our next class, Thursday, September 24th

Class Notes

Related reading for this class:  Kelleher Git Video

Review from last class ...


Paragraph Spacing
New material begins here ...


McFarland CSS MM Fig. 6-10
[figure source:  CSS: The Missing Manual, by David Sawyer McFarland, Fig. 6-10, p. 134]

Note that when manipulating class names in JavaScript, the class name property is in camel case: className

This concludes our introduction to CSS

Introduction to Git and GitHub — Assignment No. 4

As requested at the end of our last class, you were to do the following before this class, as we will use GitHub in a future assignment

Problems and/or questions?

See details in Assignment No. 4 write-up

Google Web Fonts

Another interesting issue from student Bunlong Heng (in the 2013 offering of this class)

Web fonts are more reliable

Basic usage

  1. find a font you like on the Google Fonts website —
  2. click the "quick use" button — the square with an arrow pointing to the right (the second button as of September 29, 2014)
  3. copy the link code in Step 3 that you find there
  4. use the font family in your code as normal
    • font-family: 'Kite One', sans-serif;
    • note that when a font name contains a space, that space is a + sign in a URL, but must be a space in the CSS font-family value

Introduction to Media Queries

A nice simple example of the use of a media query at:

The code in:

is as follows.

Another cool thing about this page is that regardless of how tall the page is, the left banner background always extends all the way to the bottom of the page

Yet another is that the footer always stays at the bottom of the page, regardless of its size

This is document  It was last modified on Friday, August 26, 2022 at 4:09 PM.
Copyright © 2022 by Jesse M. Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.