UMass Lowell Dept. of Computer Science

COMP 2120 / MUED 2120 — Sound Thinking

Spring 2016 Semester, Section 201

Prof. Jesse M. Heines and Prof. Gena Greher

Assignment No. 8

Final Sound Thinking Project and Performance

Date Due:  Thursday, April 28, 2016


What This Assignment Is About

This assignment is the capstone project in this course.  It will culminate in a performance of an original project on April 28th or 30th, 2015.  (Details are in the What You Are To Do section.)

You may pick your own partner(s) for this assignment, but each team must consist of either two or three partners.  Thus, you may not work alone, and no team can have more than three members.

Your final project can take any one of the following three forms.

  1. You can create your own instrument using the MaKey MaKey board with Scratch as we did in the very first project of the semester, but now in a more sophisticated manner given all that you’ve learned since then.

  2. You can create an interactive Scratch program that incorporates music in some way.  To see examples of such programs, go to and search the millions of projects there for music-related programs or, for a more direct approach, check out, “Cool Music Projects.”

  3. You can create a musical composition in Pencil Code with mutliple voicings that is either an original composition or a variation of an existing one.

What You Are To Do

  1. Pick a partner or partners.

  2. Fill out the form at:

    to tell us who is on your team, your project’s title (for the performance program), and what you’re planning to do.  This part of the assignment is due Thursday, April 14th, the same day that Assignment No. 7 is due.

  3. Complete your project with your partners.  Feel free to talk to us about and seek our advice on the various aspects of your project to get additional ideas for how to implement what you want and/or for cool things to add as enhancements.

  4. Prepare to show your project on Thursday, April 28th.  Details of just how that will be done will be announced in class.

  5. Complete the form at

to provide us with a link to your final project and your responses to the reflective questions by Saturday, April 30th, which is Reading Day.

Submitting Your Assignment for Grading

Final project performances will take place on Thursday, April 28th, the last day for this class.  You are then to submit the final version of your Scratch or Pencil Code program and enter your responses to the reflective questions on the Google form referenced in Step 5 above by Saturday, April 30th, which is Reading Day.

Important Note:  As stated numerous times in class, no late submissions of this assignment will be accepted.  You must perform your project on Thursday, April 28th, and you must submit your final Scratch or Pencil Code program and your notes and reflection by Saturday, April 30th.  No late submissions will be accepted.

Please review our comments on your previous assignment submissions regarding your reflections and address any issues we mentioned to maximize your grade on this part of the assignment.

How You Will Be Graded

This assignment will be evaluated on the following criteria.  Note that your grade on this assignment will be weighted twice that of the other assignments.

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Copyright © 2022 by Jesse M. Heines.  All rights reserved.  May be freely copied or excerpted for educational purposes with credit to the author.